Sustainability in the Dive Sector

<span>Sustainability in the Dive Sector</span>

News Circular Economy

1 min

The first steps have been made to create a united front towards sustainability in the Dive Sector on Curacao. For many years now the corals and marine life are under distress, because of various reasons such as, but not limited to, climate change and coastal development.

It is clear to all parties involved that a bigger change was needed to preserve our beautiful underwater world. Especially since it is not just about the beforementioned. It is also part of the economic growth on Curacao after the pandemic, as diving is part of our tourism industry.

As they have communicated via a press release, in the beginning of this month CHATA and the Curaçao Tourist Board have organized what they call a “World Café concept session” for the CHATA Dive Task Force. During this session the focus was on topics like conservation, regulation, legislation and taxation.

The goal of the discussion was to share ideas about the most important subjects to accomplish sustainable recovery and development in the dive sector and the overarching tourism sector.

Because of the created platform and the possibility to share thoughts and believes with each other, a better understanding of the current situation was created.

The findings of the meeting in form of tangible goals and concerns, have yet to be presented by the Ministry of Economic Development. 



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